Infrared, Light and Vibration Therapy
Here you will find information about Light Therapy , Infrared Therapy and Vibration Therapy. We will also look at devices we use in each modality and which of these would be best for home self care.
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Light Therapy
Light is a powerful source of energy that every living creature on the planet uses including humans. Just like plants, we have photo-receptors in our bodies that allow us to use light as energy. When light passes into the cell, it excites the mitochondria, which produces more ATP, the cell's energy source. By optimizing our body functions with light, we can increase our ability to heal and improve overall health.
Infrared Therapy
Infrared light has been shown to have a effect on circulation in the body. By penetrating deep into the tissues, it can help to increase blood flow and oxygenation which can lead to a range of health benefits. Whether you're looking to improve your performance, recover from an injury, or simply boost your overall wellness, infrared light therapy may be worth considering.
Vibration Therapy
Vibration therapy as a potential pain reduction method.